Somehow this morning I woke up finding myself facing SUNDAY already! I'm way behind on posts I'd intended, but that is mostly due to unexpected yet welcome company who stayed the night Friday and never left until last night. So I had company from 3pm Friday til midnight last night, which threw me way off track. I'm an introvert, I need a lot of 'down/me' time to recharge. I love my friends dearly, but I was ready for some quiet time! Needless to say, all my plans, chores etc got neglected so today I'm trying to play catch up. I got a few things done, but I have to work at 2pm so I'm on a time crunch.
With all that out of the way, on to Song Sunday! This song is very haunting (to me), it's beautiful and seems totally fitting after this weekend. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please share your thoughts on this song/artist in the comments!